Sunday, 26 September 2010

Logo Report


I would say that coming up with an idea for a logo and putting it onto paper. At first I tried thinking of simple ideas like "Stickman films" as a working title. I then tried to think of a more imaginative title and logo but a logo that was still "do-able" in photoshop. I then reverted to a subject that I am passionate about, music. I created a simple logo - a spyrograph type shape that resembled the sun - and coloured it in yellow. I then wrote the title, Psychadelic Entertainment freehand and in different colours to give the impression of a psychadelic experience and irregularity.

Final Cut

I would say that the most difficult part about Final Cut was choosing a way to introduce the logo and title with a suitable sound and visual effect. I overcame the visual problem by having the sunshine image and title fade in. However, I may change this at a later time. I have not yet overcome the sound effect problem. I would like to find a suitable sound effect for the psychadelic image,


Overall, I would say that I am most pleased with the fact that although my logo didnt take long to make and used few photoshop effects, it has a very peaceful effect on the viewer and gives an impression of imagination and possibility in the films it represents, mush like psychadelic music.

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